This uses the field kitchen that I made last summer, along with some Peter Pig figures arranged around a table and Torn.Fu.d2 radio, both scratch-built.
I've always been impressed by the way some Wargames modellers try to tell a story through these vignette-type bases and have tried to do this a little of that with this base. I'm not sure whether the three officers are arguing over why their map has a river whilst the table they are fighting over clearly doesn't or the poor quality of their ersatz coffee but I'm certain the radio operator wishes they'd do it with their indoor voices so he could hear what the forward company commander is trying to say.
'O' Group has a concept of HQ orders that can be saved to improve your chance of gaining the initiative at the start of the next turn or spent as additional actions within the current turn. This requires the use of a die on or beside each side's battalion HQ to keep track of them. I don't really like having a rather artificial looking square die holder on bases, and didn't include one for the British, but I must admit to having sometimes forgotten that it was a special die, picked it up and rolled it then not being 100% sure how many HQ orders I had in hand!
* When I can remember where I've put some offcuts of steel paper to create the link - the underneath of the bases are already magnetised.